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  • Podcast Episode #5: Mailbox Money

Podcast Episode #5: Mailbox Money

The world's first SEC-registered robo-advisor for smart high-risk investing.

Rate of Return Podcast: Episode #5

Today I’ll be hosting Som Mohapatra & Thomas Stewart — the Co-Founders of Quantbase.

As a reminder, these ‘Mailbox Money’ posts are offers for you to ask questions directly to guests on the podcast. I’ll be choosing 3-4 responses for each guest to answer!

Please share any and all questions you have about high-risk investing to this email.

What is Quantbase?

As you may remember from the startup’s you should know about post, Quantbase is the world’s first SEC-registered robo-advisor for smart high-risk investing. That’s a mouthful, but it’s seriously smart. And so are the company’s founders.

They offer a library of automated investment modules from hedge fund indices, crypto indices, and leverage stock portfolio, to auto-rebalancing simple 3-fund portfolio, FAANG indices, and a Nancy Pelosi index.

Long story short, they want to be the platform you park 10-15% of your net worth into in efforts to obtain those outsized returns — historically only for the ultra-wealthy.

If you’re in the mood to nerd out on how they built one of their quantitative strategies, here’s a link to a blog post explaining their process. They back-tested the returns of this investing strategy and it returned +$2.3M more over a 46-year period when compared to the S&P 500.

To check out their new website and sign up, visit this link.

If you’re interested in actually investing in the company itself, here’s a link to their WeFunder.

Reply with any questions you have for Som and Thomas and I’ll be sure to include them in the podcast interview!


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